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Une exposition royale – les œuvres de la Reine du Danemark exposées à Cahors

La ville de Cahors célèbre en 2022 l’année du Danemark, évènement encouragé par le lien étroit que la région entretient avec la famille royale qui y possède un château. Parmi les festivités, à la mi-juillet s’est ouvert une exposition conjointe entre le musée Henri Martin, récemment rénové, et la Bibliothèque Patrimoniale et de Recherche, qui présentent les œuvres graphiques de la Reine. Margrethe II du Danemark est en effet une artiste accomplie, et pratique régulièrement les arts graphiques. Elle prête cependant rarement ses œuvres, ce qui rend leur présentation à Cahors d’autant plus exceptionnelle.

Mais quel rapport avec J.R.R. Tolkien ?

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Des lapins aux Hobbits : illustrer et traduire J.R.R. et Christopher Tolkien en France

Cet article est la traduction française de ma communication présentée lors du séminaire de la Tolkien Society sur le thème “Translating and Illustrating Tolkien”, le 6 novembre 2021.

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Abstract: “From rabbits to Hobbits: illustrating and translating J.R.R. and Christopher Tolkien in France”

I will deliver a paper at the upcoming Tolkien Society Seminar on “Translating and Illustrating Tolkien”. My focus will be on France, and here is my abstract below.

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Imagine Arda – an interview with Magdalena Olechny

This article is part of a series dedicated to artists, fan-artists and illustrators inspired by the writings of J.R.R. and Christopher Tolkien. If you yourself are an artist, and you like the idea of a conversation and a feature on this blog, please reach out to me.

My guest today is Magdalena Olechny, an independent fantasy artist from Poland. I was instantly taken with her “Ladies of Arda” series, depicting well-loved an lesser-known women from Middle-earth and beyond.

Read on for the interview with the artist.

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Imagine Arda – an interview with Norloth

This article is part of a series dedicated to artists, fan-artists and illustrators inspired by the writings of J.R.R. and Christopher Tolkien. If you yourself are an artist, and you like the idea of a conversation and a feature on this blog, please reach out to me.

My guest today is Norloth, an illustrator, photographer, and cosplayer from Shanghai.

Read on for the interview with the artist.

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Des artistes venus de Terre du Milieu : une plongée du 21e siècle dans le Monde Secondaire de J.R.R. Tolkien

Cet article est la traduction de ma communication intitulée « Artists from Middle-earth: a 21st-century dive into J.R.R. Tolkien’s Secondary World », donnée lors du Tolkien Society Seminar le 13 février 2021. Vous pourrez retrouver la vidéo de mon intervention tout en bas de cet article.

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Imagine Arda – an interview with Anthony Vong

This article is the first of a new series dedicated to artists, fan-artists and illustrators inspired by the writings of J.R.R. and Christopher Tolkien. If you yourself are an artist, and you like the idea of a conversation and a feature on this blog, please reach out to me.

My first guest is the French artist Anthony Vong, whose work I discovered very recently through his poster “The Quest of the Ring at the End of the Third Age”. This is a personal project Anthony has created over the course of several weeks to depict the journey of the Fellowship through the variety of landscapes Middle-earth has to offer. I was particularly taken with its colour palette and delicacy of the linework.

Read on for the interview with the artist.

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Illustrating Tolkien – a podcast with Tolkiendil

Back in December, a few weeks after I joined them, the association Tolkiendil (the French equivalent to the Tolkien Society) invited me to talk about my research in their podcast. I took this opportunity to present all the artists that appear in my PhD corpus.

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Tolkien Society Seminar 2021: abstract

It is my great pleasure to take part in the first Tolkien Society Seminar of 2021, held online on Saturday 13th February. The theme chosen being “Twenty-first Century Receptions of Tolkien”, I took it as an opportunity to explore one of the more contemporary aspects of Tolkien-inspired art, stepping a little away from my usual area of study (interior illustrations). For the first time, registration for the Seminar is free. More information can be found on the Tolkien Society website (click). Below is my abstract.

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Highlights from the 40th anniversary illustrated edition of Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-earth

As you may or may not know, my research is focused on illustrated editions of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth texts in English. It means a corpus of around 18 volumes with interior illustrations. So far, only one had been illustrated by a duo of artists: the Folio Society 1977 The Lord of the Rings, illustrated by Ingahild Grathmer and Eric Fraser (see my talk on the topic in the upcoming proceedings of Tolkien2019).

In 2020, HarperCollins celebrated the 40th anniversary of the publication of Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-earth with a new, illustrated edition. To make it even more special, they commissioned not only Alan Lee, who had worked on the Three Great Tales, but also Ted Nasmith (who illustrated the 1998 and 2004 Silmarillion, a new edition of which is announced for 2021) and John Howe (who has created numerous covers and calendars, as well as a pop-up Hobbit).

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An introduction to the 2020 illustrated edition of Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-earth

40 years ago Christopher Tolkien published Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-earth, a collection of fragments of various lengths concerning topics of interest for in-depth readers of The Silmarillion, The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.

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Oxonmoot 2020: a complement to my talk about the BnF Tolkien exhibition

This week-end, from Friday 18th to Sunday 20th September 2020, the Tolkien Society is hosting their first online Oxonmoot. Much like the in-person version, it is a whirlwind of talks, workshops and occasions to engage in very deep or very light conversations with persons you’ve just met.

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L’autre “Silmarillion” illustré : Francis Mosley pour la Folio Society

Cet article est la traduction de ma communication intitulée “The other illustrated Silmarillion: Francis Mosley for the Folio Society”, donnée lors du Tolkien Society Seminar le 4 juillet 2020. Vous pourrez retrouver la vidéo de mon intervention tout en bas de cet article.

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